Tag Archives: Balance

The Version Of You That Matters

Elyza and I

We can all get caught up in emotions from time to time.

Sometimes those emotions will fuel and guide our decisions, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst.

Emotional ups and downs are to be expected. No matter how hard we may try to suppress them, they will in time surface.

But it is not our emotions that we should steer clear from, but instead letting them get the best of us. Feeling emotions is a necessity, letting them drive us is not.

Being mindful to why we are feeling an emotion is the key to navigating it towards the best scenario. I’ve met many people whom are very good at handling their emotions and I have met people who are completely unaware of how much their emotions run their lives.

The difference?

People who are emotionally aware can see the big picture, they can step away from themselves or their situation and approach it as an outsider looking in, rather then letting the moment control them.

People who are emotionally unaware react immediately or let their emotions build into even bigger things in their minds until they reach the point of believing something that is completely untrue.

So how do we deal? How do we become better at being aware and how do we handle people who are unaware?

The answer, or at least one answer, is accepting you are not in control of those who are unaware and deciding to consciously work on your awareness.

You are in control of you. How you choose to move forward, how you choose to treat people, how you choose to treat yourself, it’s all your decision. Be extremely aware of that as much as you can.

The version of you that matters is the one who see’s the clearest.

Put yourself in other people shoes, walk a block in them, then make a decision.

Walk a block in your shoes, see the bigger picture, move forward from there.

Stay conscious. Stay considerate. Stay kind.

Warming Winter Mushroom Bowl


When it’s cold outside your body can really benefit from warming foods that will help balance your cold exterior. Try sautéing your favorite vegetables together and top them with your go-to vinegar and oil combo. This is a simple, cost and time effective way to nourish your body.

Warming Winter Mushroom Bowl

  • 1 cup portobello mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/2 cup zucchini, sliced
  • 1/4 cup kale, sliced
  • balsamic vinegar & olive oil

Sautee mushrooms over medium heat for 2-3 minutes or until they begin to become tender. Then add zucchini, sautéing for a minute. Lastly add in the kale, stirring well until kale becomes bright green. Transfer veggies into a bowl and top with vinegar and olive oil.


Balanced Winter Salad

Balanced Winter Salad

This salad has been one of my favorites for a long time. It balances sweet, salty and tangy perfectly and to be honest I tend to eat it when I am feeling a little unbalanced because it reminds me to find evenness.

Let’s get balanced. 🙂

Balanced Winter Salad

  • 1/2 cup tuscan kale (spinach or arugula would work also)
  • 1 small sweet potato baked
  • 1 tablespoon goat cheese
  • 1 tablespoon kalamata olives, sliced
  • 1/2 tangerine
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste

Bake sweet potato for 45 minutes or until completely cooked through at 375 degrees.

Massage kale with olive oil, salt and pepper for 2-3 minutes or until wilted and bright green.

Combine kale, slices of sweet potato, goat cheese and olives. Top salad with tangerine zest and juice.
